Monday, October 24, 2016

The Darkside

We all have a darkness within us.  We all pass through it as we are born into the light.  As we grow, we are told to suppress the darkness; that it must not exist.  This is a mistake.  We must acknowledge it, embrace it, or it will consume us and be our downfall.

For each of us the darkness is different.  “There is no good without evil but evil must not be allowed to flourish.”  Whatever your darkness, do not suppress but do not let it grow to the point you can no longer control it.

Without the darkness you can not live in the light, you can not appreciate the goodness that surrounds you.  Without pain you can not know love.  Without fear you can not know victory.  Without passion you can not know peace.  Without the madness of chaos you can not appreciate the order of the universe.

Beware those who speak out against the darkness with a fierce passion.  Passion is an emotion used to mask the darkness within.  The more passion used to condemn the Darkside, the more the darkness within will come to the surface, exploding.

We all have a darkness within us, embrace it, for it is who you are.

Sunday, October 9, 2016


Rage can be a powerful ally.  It is anger and raw emotion rolled together to form something that is temporally unbreakable.  It will allow you to complete a task that needs to be finished, that you might not otherwise have been able to accomplish.
Rage, however, is a very powerful emotion that will stain your spirit.  Left unbalanced, it will consume you, dragging you further down into the darkness until you can no longer see any light.
Remember the first line in the Code of the Gray: There is NO good without evil but evil must not be allowed to flourish.  Rage has its purpose but once that purpose is fulfilled it must be silenced.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

The Role of a Gray Jedi

A Jedi is supposed to be a peacekeeper, a guardian, a protector of sorts.
As a peacekeeper we are supposed to resolve conflicts with little effort.  At times mind tricks will be needed to achieve this goal, but if you do use them, remember that you may be met with some resistance.  Remain calm, patient, and your desire result will come to be.
However, there are times when action will be needed.  Only use the appropriate action needed in order to restore peace.  As a Gray, tapping into your darker emotions will help you to achieve your goals, but be careful not to open the darkness too much, as a little goes a very long way.  A fight is never our true intent.
As a guardian we may be required to protect others from harm, even from themselves.  Predators come in all shape and sizes.  Never let looks fool you, the most deadliest predators often look like the most beautiful creatures, drawing you in, letting your guard down in the process.  This is how it obtains its victims.
As a Gray, when facing predators, your actions as a peacekeeper will be needed but often times a predator will lash out, pushing back, and force your hand.  Projecting your dark side emotions in your commands to stand down may be enough to frighten the predator to run away.  In rare cases that it does not, a Jedi must always be ready to defend.
The dark side is most useful in this manner.  Again, only use what is necessary to restore peace.  Once peace is restored find some place quiet where you can be alone with your thoughts.  Do not dwell on the negative emotions you needed to fulfill your mission, however, meditate on returning yourself to being balanced.
It is important to remember your oath, “There is no good without evil, but evil must not be allowed to flourish.”

Sunday, September 11, 2016

One Jedi's View on Death

Life itself is one big trial.  From birth we are tested in ways we could never imagine possible and we endure until we are no longer able to endure.  In that moment we take our last breath and move away from this life.
No matter what you believe, when someone is lost, sadness wraps around us and darkness attempts to consume us.  It is okay to grieve, to allow yourself time to mourn, but allow this small amount of light to keep you from being swallowed up by the darkness, their trial is over, their suffering is no more.
While this may sound harsh, death is not something to be feared but instead something to embrace.  When our love one is gone, while we will feel the sting of their passing we should smile and be grateful that they are gone.
Yes we will miss them but we will can see them any time we wish, just close your eyes and they will appear.  We can talk with them and let them know how we are doing.  Death is not the end but a transition.
Remember, this view may not be a popular view but it can be a comforting one.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


When I was a youngling my grandmother said these words to me as she made me carry something I didn't want to carry before heading to school.  As a result of this lesson there are a few things that can always be found on me or in my transport.
I will always have pen and paper; as a writer I may need to capture a fleeing thought.  A blade of some type; you never know when you will need to cut something, or someone.  Until a lightsaber is available I have to resort to primitive tools.  A hat and jacket of some kind; because the weather changes without warning.
This is one of the few lessons I can teach over and over and it will never dull.  It is true in all aspects of life.  Some will agree with the choices you make when carrying things on your person and some will look at you and ask, "Why?"  Take a deep breath, balance your energy, and respond, "Why not?"

Monday, September 5, 2016

Sith Type of Day

From the moment I woke up tonight the Force was working against me.  It kept me in a daze as I got dressed for work.  Releasing me so I could travel it continued to test my resolve.  I attempted to get food and after three failed attempts I screamed a blood red scream.  It's going to be a Sith type of day but I will keep the Dark side on a short leash.

Sunday, September 4, 2016


I have never understood why the Jedi would say love is forbidden.  It moves us to do great things, some positive while others are dark.  Accepting love instead of controlling it is what brings you happiness.

I am a Gray Jedi

What does it mean to be a Jedi?  Well it doesn’t mean what you see in the movies.  It doesn’t mean I can move things with my mind or make people do things they don’t want to do with mind tricks.
Is there some belief that there is a mystical power that guides us, encourages us in matters of right or wrong, surrounds us and even though we can not see it, we can feel its presence?  Yes, it’s what the rest of the world calls God.
I have studied most major religions in the world and have come to the conclusion that they are all basically the same.  The same Gods known by different names based on different religions.  In all major religions there are different sects, breaking off into smaller parts because they believe slightly different than everyone else, so too is it with Jedi.
In every major religion you have those that are calm about their beliefs and you have those who are extreme, believing that all should believe as they do or face death; the light and the dark.  But there is a third, one who can walk on both sides and not be harmed, in the Jedi Order they are called Gray.
In the beginning of every religion, all are Gray, living in balance of the positive and negative emotions that live within us all.  Somewhere along the way there was a split, diving people into extremist, even Jedi.
The light side believes they are not extremist but when you believe in an all or nothing concept of life then that is an extremist.  The dark side believes in the same concept, just on the opposite end from the light and in separating themselves from the rest have chosen to give themselves a different name, Sith.  Despite what you call one another, Jedi, Sith, or Gray, it is still the same belief, just like in any other religion.
The Jedi Code:  There is no Emotion, there is Peace.  There is no Ignorance, there is Knowledge.  There is no Passion, there is Serenity.  There is no Chaos, there is Harmony.  There is no Death, there is the Force.
The Sith Code:  Peace is a lie, there is only passion.  Through passion, I gain strength.  Through strength, I gain power.  Through power, I gain victory.  Through victory, my chains are broken.  The Force shall free me.
Can you see the extremism?  No this, only that.  Doesn’t give you a choice really.  This is why I chose to be a Gray Jedi.
The Gray Code:  There must be both dark and light.  I will do what I must to keep the balance, as the balance is what holds all life.  There is no good without evil, but evil must not be allowed to flourish.  There is passion, yet peace; serenity, yet emotion; chaos, yet order.  I am a wielder of the flame; a champion of balance.  I am a guardian of life.  I am a Gray Jedi.
I have always felt I was something more than what Christianity said I was.  I have always felt there is something more to our universe than what the Bible, Quran, or Shruti have to offer.  I have always felt that my soul belonged to another time period, I have always felt I was Samurai.
Return of the Jedi was the first Star Wars movie I seen and I knew I wanted to be a Jedi.  I was told the Jedi were bad because the Force was really magic and as a kid that was crushing to me.  As I grew up I still wanted to be a Jedi, I believed in their philosophy more than any other religion.
The Jedi Religion was first discussed in 2001, but it was tainted with people trying to do the things in the movies.  When it became an official religion in 2011, I too laughed but was glad at the same time.  I was no longer the only one who wanted to be a true Jedi.
I, however, still lived with fear in saying I am a Jedi while being surrounded by Christians.  I know the Bible, I studied for a long time, but I still wanted to be a Jedi.  Still, I lived in fear and that fear was beginning to take over, and I knew that was wrong.  A Jedi should not have to hide.
I am a Jedi of the Gray Order, and I will no longer live in fear of telling anyone.  I will be laughed at and poked fun of, but that will be no different than any other time growing up as a Jehovah’s Witness.