"In the light, there is a darkness and in the darkness, a light. It
is the way with us all. Be a prisoner of neither Bogan nor Ashla. Strive to
live in balance. As Tython itself teaches us, it is dangerous to do otherwise.
And the danger is there — always." – Master Ketu
I am a firm believer in the fact that those who forget their history are
doomed to repeat it. There are those who
do not wish to acknowledge the Gray Order as Jedi. They, however, forget that the first Jedi
were not called Jedi at all, but Je’daii.
The Jedi came from falling away from the balance of the Force.
On the planet of Tython, the Je’daii made their home. The Je'daii Order's primarily philosophy was
that of the Balance. Because of Tython's
intense reactions to imbalance in the Force, the Je'daii strived to maintain
personal balance between the light and dark sides of the Force.
This philosophy was also inspired by Tython's moons: bright Ashla,
represented the light side of the Force, and the dark moon Bogan, represented
the dark side. In Je'daii philosophy, they acknowledged the fact that there was
always a light within darkness, and darkness within light, so that it was
impossible for one to ever be truly free of either.
Unlike the Jedi Order, Je'daii were encouraged to give into the temptations
of both the light and the dark, as they believed it was necessary to embrace
both in order to learn more about the Force. The Je'daii viewed living on
Tython as a near-constant meditation and study of the Force, and the Great
Journey was intended to expose young Journeyers to the various disciplines and
arts that were studied at each temple.
The Je'daii Order developed their own code, which illustrated the primary
tenets of the Order's philosophy, and was taught at all of the Temples across
Tython. Because of Tython's proclivity
for Force Storms, the Je'daii took it upon themselves to police their ranks for
those who fell out of balance, and they exiled those who were out of balance to
Tython's moons. Those who delved too
deep into the dark side were exiled to Ashla, where they were instructed to
meditate on the light side and the bright moon of Ashla. Those Je'daii who clung to the light side over
the Balance were sent to Bogan, where they meditated on the darkness of the
moon to bring themselves back into balance.
The Je'daii Order, taking their
name from the language of the Dai Bendu monks of the Talid species, combined
the words je, meaning mystic, and dai, meaning center. Notice how similar the Je’daii Code and the
Gray Order’s Code are.
"There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.
There is no fear; there is power.
I am the heart of the Force.I am the revealing fire of light.
I am the mystery of darkness
In balance with chaos and harmony,
Immortal in the Force."
― The Je'daii Code
Reference from: Wookieepedia/Je’daii Order