Jedi is supposed to be a peacekeeper, a guardian, a protector of sorts.
a peacekeeper we are supposed to resolve conflicts with little effort. At times mind tricks will be needed to achieve
this goal, but if you do use them, remember that you may be met with some
resistance. Remain calm, patient, and
your desire result will come to be.
there are times when action will be needed.
Only use the appropriate action needed in order to restore peace. As a Gray, tapping into your darker emotions
will help you to achieve your goals, but be careful not to open the darkness
too much, as a little goes a very long way.
A fight is never our true intent.
a guardian we may be required to protect others from harm, even from
themselves. Predators come in all shape
and sizes. Never let looks fool you, the
most deadliest predators often look like the most beautiful creatures, drawing
you in, letting your guard down in the process.
This is how it obtains its victims.
a Gray, when facing predators, your actions as a peacekeeper will be needed but
often times a predator will lash out, pushing back, and force your hand. Projecting your dark side emotions in your
commands to stand down may be enough to frighten the predator to run away. In rare cases that it does not, a Jedi must
always be ready to defend.
dark side is most useful in this manner.
Again, only use what is necessary to restore peace. Once peace is restored find some place quiet
where you can be alone with your thoughts.
Do not dwell on the negative emotions you needed to fulfill your
mission, however, meditate on returning yourself to being balanced.
is important to remember your oath, “There is no good without evil, but evil
must not be allowed to flourish.”